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Convener Forms
Competition Report
Detailed Entries by Club
Umpire Payment Record
Umpire Assessment Form
Convenors Handbook



As the convenor you will have received a copy of all the entry registration forms by email. A copy is also sent to the jotform administrator. One week before the event, you should check with the jotform administrator to make sure the entries you received match up with theirs. In addition, you must contact the V&D Treasurer to confirm that payment has been received from all of the registered teams.


At the conclusion of the event, take hi-resolution photos of the winners (separately) and send the photos along with the Competition Report to the Awards Day convenor AND the webmaster.


Completed Competition Report, Detailed Entries, and Umpires Payment Records are to be mailed to the V&D Treasurer listed in the V&D Event Handbook.


Umpire Assessment forms should be sent to the V&D Head Umpire.


Webmaster:  Graham Mason


Material incorporated from original website designed by Dr. John Aveline

Current website design by Robert Ascroft and Bonnie Smith


Copyright 2024 V&D Bowls Association


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