Men's Triples Champions
Write ups and the following lists up to 2013 were compiled Dr. John Aveline.
Page Navigation: Men's Triples - discontinued
Intermediate Triples Champions
The Intermediate Triples (changed from Colt Triples in 2016) began on the theory that most of the events in the V&D calendar are triples and so some experience playing in a triples tournament would be useful. It is also assumed that most new bowlers will be familiar with playing triples at their club and so more willing to compete in a 'known' event.
2023 Alex Kwok, Sunny Cheung, Patrick Lo (Richmond)
2022 Gary Harms, Mike Sully, Don Dancey - (White Rock )
2020 - 2021 COVID
2019 Richard Poon, Bill Chan, Samuel Ho (Richmond)
2018 Frank Floro, Brian McArthur, Brian Siemens (Coquitlam)
2017 Jim Duholke, Gary Brisbois, Dan Jenni (West Vancouver)
2016 Jim Duholke, Stuart McDouglall, Gary Brisbois (West Vancouver)
2015 Marty Houser, Statish Lal, Rick Applegath (Coquitlam)
2014 Jonathon Braun, Graham Miller, Matt Miller (Kerrisdale)
2013 Gordon Oikawa, George Man, Kelvin Lai (Richmond)
2012 Gordon Oikawa, George Man, Kelvin Lai (Richmond)
2011 Terry Johnson, Kelvin Lai, George Man (Richmond)
2010 Cordell Pennington, Len Menghello, Jim Hughes (Coquitlam)
2009 John Percival, Dave Rosta, John Morrow
2008 no data available
2007 John Moffat, Frank Roy, John Lockyer (North Vancouver)
2006 Alan Evans, Thomas Tam, Sam Wong (Granville Park/Richmond)
2005 John Percival, John Morrow, Dave Rosta (Coquitlam)
2004 Ed Martin, Tony Miuth, Mike North (Stanley Park)
2003 George Cubiss, Tony Webster, Pete Davis (Maple Ridge)
2002 Dave Bell, Mathias Rumpeltes, Malter Masuk (Langley)
2001 Gary Korstrom, Main Naicker, Harvey Carriere (Coquitlam)
2000 Cancelled
1999 George Pettypiece, Jack Campbell, Micky Statler (Tsawwassen)
1998 Louis Tsang, Ming Leung, Ben Lee (Granville Park)
1997 Gary Clarke, Ken Jones, Ron Fox (Coquitlam)
Men's Triples Champions
The V&D Men's Triples event was a more recent addition to the V&D event catalogue and suffered largely from its position in the calendar (played right after the Canadian Championships) as well as from a surfeit of events. Discontinued after the 2003 season.
2002 Alfred Pang, Raymond Cheng, Jeff Chan (Richmond)
2001 Cancelled
2000 Jim Murphy, Bill Meek, Matt Rodger (Vancouver South)
1999 Hirendra Bhartu, Devan Wilkie, Roddy MacDonald (Stanley Park)
1998 Jim Murphy, Jim Logan, Bill Jarvie (Vancouver South)
1997 Jim Logan, Des Deroche, Ken Schisler (Vancouver South)