Past Mixed Winners
Write ups and the following lists up to 2014 were compiled by Dr. John Aveline
Page Navigation: Pairs Fours/Moffat
President's Cup
Originally, the event was called the Executive Fours. Each club could enter one team which was made up of members of the club's executive. This was a men's event (organizations did not amalgamate until 1996) and the club president had to skip the team. After clubs women's and men's sections amalgamated, a club's team had to be mixed and the requirement that the club president had to skip was relaxed. The event ceased to be held due to lack of interest.
In 2010 Tony Boucher of Granville Park suggested that the event might be revived as a way for V&D to acknowledge and thank some of the people who volunteer to help run their clubs. This led to the rebirth of this event in a slightly changed form and with a new name: The President's Cup.
Teams are still made up from club executives/leaders and the make-up of the team is now gender neutral. The President's Cup gives club executives a chance to get together and share and exchange ideas of mutual interest regarding the Sport of Bowls.
President's Cup Past Winners
2023 Kerrisdale (Peter Lee, Brenda Rhodes, Suphin Nakutnok, Tom Berridge)
2022 Ladner (team names not available)
2020 - 2021 COVID
2019 ​ West Vancouver (Pat Chapman, Jim Duholke, Rodger Horn, Grethe Jensen)
2018 Mann Park (David Tones, Dianne Brynjolfson, Bob Allaby, Linda Palm)
2017 Richmond (Chester Yeung, Peter Lee, Earl Luk, Anita Lee)
2016 Granville Park (Sharon Cowie, Peter Cheong, Alistair Black, Pat Tolhurst)
2015 West Point Grey (team names not available)
2014 Richmond (Peter Lee, Anita Lee, Chester Yeung, Gordon Oikawa)
2013 Richmond (Chester Yeung, Willie Wu, Peter Lee, Anita Lee)
2012 Granville Park (Juanita Tucker, Sharon Cowie, Alistair Black, Alan Webster)
2011 Kerrisdale (Barrie Brown, David Arnott, Ron Leyland, Joyce Bolleman)
2010 West Point Grey (Frank Kaweski, Bill Parker, Elaine Rolston, Cathleen Rowlette)
Mixed Pairs
2023 Not scheduled
2022 Not Scheduled
2020 - 2021 COVID
2019 Paul Lee, Fanny Yeung (Richmond)
2018 Paul Lee, Fanny Yeung (Richmond)
2017 Paul Lee, Fanny Yeung (Richmond)
2016 Gerry & Darlene Vachon (North Burnaby)
2015 Cary Manns, Bonnie Smith (North Vancouver)
2014 Harry Carruthers, Bonnie Smith (North Vancouver)
2013 Chester Yeung, Anita Lee (Richmond)
2012 Paul Lee, Sandy Yau (Richmond)
2011 Paul Choi, Lorraine Choi (Richmond)
2010 Steve Santana, Belle Chan (Vancouver South)
2009 Stanley Chow, Rita Patterson (Richmond / Granville Parl)
2008 Perry Manns, Alice Duncalf (North Van / Van South)
2007 John Moffat, Pat Aarvold (North Vancouver)
2006 Perry Manns, Loreen Manns (North Vancouver)
2005 Paul Choi, Lorraine Choi (Richmond)
2004 Malcolm Taylor, Marie Taylor (North Vancouver)
2003 Mel Eccles, Diane Fulton (Vancouver South)
2002 Hiren Bhartu, Mary Ann Gillies (Vancouver South)
2001 C.P. Au, On-Kow Au (Richmond)
2000 Roddy MacDonald, Barb Gandy (North Vancouver)
1999 Jim Murphy, Juanita Tucker (Vancouver South)
1998 Perry Manns, Loreen Manns (North Vancouver)
1997 Mel Eccles, Allie Eccles (Vancouver South)
1996 Rod Banning, Betty Leon (Burnaby North)
1995 Ted Waterston, Brenda McFadyen (New Westminster)
Nicholson Pairs
2023 Heng Lee, Rainbow Lung (Richmond)
2022 Bob Martin, Pat McKenzie (North Vancouver)
2020 - 2021 COVID
2019 Dennis Sigfusson, Flo Hurtubise (Coquitlam)
2018 Stephen Yung, Linda Ng (Richmond)
2017 Eric Leung, Vivien Chan (Richmond)
2016 Karen Rees, Clement Law (North Vancouver)
2015 Gary Clarke, Dorothy Clarke (Coquitlam)
2014 Jack Green & Cathy Selzler (Kerrisdale)
2013 Joe DeBruin, Belle Chan (North Van, Van South)
2012 Gary Kirk, Vivian Chan (Richmond)
2011 Steve Santana, Belle Chan (Vancouver South)
2010 Laurence Leedham, Lynn Leedham (North Vancouver)
2009 Paul Lee, Cecilia Chui (Richmond)
2007-2008 data unavailable
2006 Fred Wheeler, Sandra Wheeler (North Vancouver)
2005 data unavailable
2004 Malcolm Taylor, Marie Taylor (North Vancouver)
2003 German Santana, Myrle Lawrence (Van South/West Van)
2002 Elaine Dipalo, Jim Dipalo (Maple Ridge)
2001 Jim Logan Sr, Joyce Schisler (Vancouver South)
2000 John Aveline, Lily Lo (Granville Park)
1999 Ken Jones, Jenny Jones (Coquitlam)
1998 Alice Duncalf, Dave Duncalf (Vancouver South)
1997 Bob Scott, Cathie Higgins (Vancouver South)
1996 data unavailable
1995 Ted Waterston, Brenda McFadyen (New Westminster)
Senior Mixed Pairs
New in 2017
2023 Lynn Leedham, Laurence Leedham (North Vancouver)
2022 Not Scheduled
2020 - 2021 COVID
2019 Jim Duholke, Sue Hall (West Vancouver)
2018 Earl Luk, Fanny Lueng (Richmond)
2017 Stan Turner, Lorane Martin (White Rock)
Senior Mixed Fours
New in 2017
2023 Bernice Urbaniak, Paul Banns, Gayle Waddell, Stan Turner (Ladner)
2022 Eric Leung, Kelvin Lai, Jenny Siu, Rainbow Leung (Richmond)
2020 - 2021 COVID
2019 Paul Choi, Lorraine Choi, Stanley Chow, Sarina Mak (Richmond)
2018 Eric Leung, Rainbow Lung, Jenny Siu, Kelvin Lai (Richmond)
2017 Eric Leung, Rainbow Lung, Jenny Siu, Kelvin Lai (Richmond)
Moffat Fours (as of 2017 previously Mixed Fours)
2023 Paul Lee, Simon Leung, Shirley Cheung, Fanny Yeung (Richmond)
2022 Not Scheduled
2020 - 2021 COVID
2019 Kelvin Lai, Peter Lee, Anita Lee, Gigi Chan (Richmond)
2018 Paul Choi, Lorraine Choi, Stanley Chow, Linda Ng (Richmond)
2017 Bob Martin, Mike Kelly, Jocelyn Henderson, Lynne Owen (North Vancouver)
2016 Stanley Chow, James Chen, Anita Lee, Alice Lam (Richmond)
2015 Chester Yeung, Stanley Chow, Rainbow Lung, Lisa Cheung (Richmond)
2014 Jeff Law, Kelvin Lai, Gigi Chan, Sarina Mak (Richmond)
2013 Vince Mai, Kenneth Lee, Man Ying Lee, Tracy Chan (Vancouver South)
2012 data not available
2011 John Harvey, Nell Smitheringale, Pat Aarvold, John Karpa (North Vancouver)
2010 Joe DeBruin, Karin Rees, Sydney Hope, John Karpa (North Vancouver)
2009 Peter Moffat, Perry Manns, Lorene Manns, Bonnie Smith (North Vancouver)
2008 Peter Moffat, Perry Manns, Nannely Lawson, Bonnie Smith (North Vancouver)
2007 Hiren Bhartu, Alice Duncalf, Malcolm Taylor, Marie Taylor (New West, Van South, North Van, North Van)
2006 Vince Mai, Bruce Matheson, Alice Duncalf, Jennifer Butler (Granville, Langley, Vancouver South, Granville)
2004- 2005 data not available
2003 Jim Murphy, Jim Logan Sr, Joyce Logan, Juanita Tucker (Vancouver South)
2002 Jim Logan Sr, Jim Murphy, Marg Duvarney, Joyce Schisler (Vancouver South, White Rock)
2001 Dave Brown, Bob Gandy, Barb Gandy, Pat Aarvold (North Vancouver)
2000 Paul Choi, Kion Wong, Amy Au, Lorraine Choi (Richmond)
1999 S.C. Pak, Ming Leung, Janet Wong, Hilda Leung (Granville Park)
1998 Steve Forrest, Robin Forrest, Gordon Cutting, Dot Charleston (Stanley Park)
1997 Michael Christ, Brian Goddard, Maureen Christ, Marva Goddard (New Westminster)